Natural trails, sports, history and fine food and wine

Located in the foothills, Sasso Marconi suggests to the visitor unspoiled nature and natural trails to be experienced with the family. Art cities such as Bologna and Florence are a short distance away, but you can also get lost in many ancient villages, still vibrant guardians of old traditions.
Food lovers will also enjoy a rich cuisine, from filled pasta to the meats, from chestnuts to the wine to His Majesty the truffle.
Surely La Rupe and Villa Griffone are the two must-see points of interest while visiting Sasso Marconi. However, we have so much to provide for travelers of all ages and diverse interests, from art to history, from walking in nature to sport.

The Way of the Gods (La Via degli Dei) is the fascinating itinerary connecting Bologna to Florence, across the Tuscan-Emilian Apennine Mountains which can even reach 1,000 meters above sea level, in some point.
Trekking it in a group or alone means plunging into a part of Italian history, yet hidden and sheltered from the most frequented touristic routes. You will meet, the Natural Pliocenic Reserve of the Contrafforte the “Flaminia militare,” a road built in 187 B.C., the Castello del Trebbio due to Cosimo I de’ Medici, and the Sanctuary of Monte Senario, where you can stop and taste the “Gemma di abeto” a liquor provided by the monks, made along a secret recipe.
Moving further, you will reach the charming village of Fiesole, whose Etruscan origins are beautifully shown among the Florentine hills.

What could be more beautiful than cycling through the nature? Sasso Marconi also offers this experience as a part of the Ciclovia del Sole, a bicycle trail stretching 686 km from Verona to Florence and covering 73 municipalities in 4 regions.
Due to the smooth roads, the Ciclovia is suitable for anyone and provides both relaxing scenery and historical and cultural attractions, like old railway stations and ancient metal bridges with their former train tracks.

Sasso Marconi will not disappoint even under the perspective of food and wine culture as well. As Member of the Strada dei Vini e dei Sapori, it offers wines of excellent quality, made according old wine-making methods. Some of the most famous include Pignoletto, Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Pinot Blanc, Barbera and Merlot.
Sasso Marconi, also joined the National Association of Truffle Towns, a network including all the Italian areas where the valuable truffle is grown
Sasso Marconi has 13 authorized truffle grounds, and more than 350 residents hold the permission card to collect truffles.
Each year right in the village, the “Tartufesta“, a popular festival that animates the streets with distinctive flavors and aromas is organized.
In the Ca’di Gali Restaurant, you will find many delicacies based on native truffles along with the suitable period.

Going a few kilometers from Sasso Marconi, you will reach the medieval village of Panico, founded in the Middle Ages as a control point of the mountain side lying between the Savena and Reno streams.
Don’t miss the Pieve di San Lorenzo, built in the mid-12th century and expression of the Romanesque architecture of the Bolognese Apennine.
It dates to the 18th century, the building of the village of Colle Ameno, erected by Filippo Ghisilieri. It was originally surrounded by a wall including the palace, the houses, and the stores. The mansion has been destroyed through time by historical events, but the oratory and the hamlet have been restored to their former state. Inside the mansion, festivals and arts activities were held in the 18th century, including the majolica manufacturing with typical blue monochrome decorations.
The Oratory of Santa Maria di Ganzole is also worth to be discovered, which underwent a thorough restoration that brought it back to life and charm